Our Process
Using a 4 step process, we help LGBTQ+ individuals (re)build their lives in safe states across the country. These 4 steps are Refer, Refuge, Resettle, and Rebuild.
Step One: Refer
Refer is the first stage in our process.
It is during this stage that cases are triaged and based on their scoring, we determine whether to refer them to refuge or refer them out to other resources that may better able to assist them.
Step Two: Refuge
In stage two, Refuge, the client's life examined and we begin building their case out.
It is during this stage that the client is matched with a host who is culturally and ably sensitive to the client's needs, as well as introducing the client to the boundaries and expectations of our transitional housing program.
Step Three: Resettle
Stage 3 and 4 exist concurrently, the client is placed in a host home for 6 to 12 months, given room and board by the host and Rainbow Passage.
We ensure the client is given their own space and is never made to feel as though they are unwelcome in the space. The ideal host is looking for more than just a good deed, they are open to adding more friends to their circle and introducing the client to their surroundings. For this, we favor hosts in cities and urban areas.
Step Four: Rebuild
During stage 4 the client is not only introduced to their new environment but they are given the tools they need to (re)build their lives, many of them for the first time.
We help the clients learn life skills, goal setting, and facilitate their recovery from hate-related trauma. This stage can last anywhere from 6 to 12 months with few cases going beyond this point.